JDWilliams - Camel Single Breasted Coat (Size 28) £27.50
A classic elegant wardrobe staple purchased 06.07.2017 a single breasted coat means I avoid adding bulk to an already voluptuous body. The coat is spacious and creates the perfect base on which to pull off a classic monochrome look.

JDWilliams - Anthology Black Lace Roll Neck Jumper (Size 26) £30.00 - This soft roll-neck jumper is perfect for day or night. The subtle diamante's dotted along the beautiful lace that runs the full length of the arms and across the chest negates the need for any jewellery and elevates this item to a must have statement wardrobe piece. I couldn't resist the skirt worn by the model either.

Black PVL Straight Trousers (Size 28) £22.00 - The triple top stitch detail, pocket, 8% elastine, elasticated side back waist all gives you a chic, polished and sophisticated look while comfortably accommodating my body shape.

Jacamo - Juno Bow Loafers Wide Fit (Size 8E) £28.00 - While pointed shoes are very flattering to most foot types this classic black loafer shape featuring cute bow detailing at the front, low ¾in heel make these shoes ideal for both work and weekend. I initially bought the Extra Wide Fit Size 8 but found that even on my post-DVT swollen right foot, they were too wide. I reordered Size 8 Wide E fit and in addition to being comfortable when standing/walking and the full force of my weight bears down - these shoes DO NOT promote swelling or unsightly puffy bulging over the upper rim area at the end of the working/walking day.

JDWilliams Ivory/Black Heavenly Soles Bar Shoes Wide Fit (Size 8E) £30.00 –Again the black contrasting square toe shape was my first consider” on my feet. At the time of writing I have them laid out pride of place to wear tomorrow to the office with the black monochrome outfit and camel coat detailed above. As can be seen from the photo these shoes are not only smart but the on-trend 1¾in/43mm block heel meant that they truly felt "heavenly on the soles" of my feet. UPDATE: I comfortably walked to the bus stop, walked around the office and subsequently traveled home without the need to put on the backup trainers in my tote bag.

Nude/Black Zebra Heavenly Soles Kitten Heel Slingback Shoes Wide E Fit (Size9E) £25.00 JDWilliams – Replace the above look with a white high neck/roll neck top/jumper to create the compliment these essential stylish seasonal 2in/50mm kitten heels to create a classic black and white look. The narrow pointed toe meant that not only was a wide fit important but I also needed to go up a size.

ASOS Black Honeydew Heeled Sandals (Size 9) £22.00 - I have been looking for a pair of these classic pair of these classic Youtube (Naomi Boyer) must have sandals that compliment every outfit - forever. The way my breath caught at the sight of them them online at ASOS with a 6cm/2" block heel was a moment to be savoured. After replaying the video a few times I placed a next day delivery order in size 9 to accommodate my post-DVT. My joy was short lived the following day when although they were a perfect comfortable fit, the strap was too short to fasten around my ankle. Deflated and mid-boxing them up to return, I suddenly had a brainwave. I called my local shoe cobbler to ask if it would be possible to attach some elastic at the buckle to allow the ankle strap to extend and buckle comfortably. I was asked to bring the shoes in so that he could take a look at them. I decided to take another shoe, by way of example, that I purchased with elastic attached at the buckle. On the first summers day since 2017, I made my way in earnest along the high street and am rewarded with an affirmative "yes we can do that at a cost of £3 per strap". Do I need to express my delight? No? I didn't think so.
Silver Ravel Gents Super-Clear Quartz Watch with Expanding Bracelet £7.99 E-

Bay - The importance of accessories has highlighted the fact that being plus size means that I need expandable watch bands in order to guarantee the watch will fit and can be worn comfortably. This was a steal from E-Bay and very good quality. I also purchased one in Gold. I am on the lookout for one in gold and black.


New Look - Curve Black Oversized Leather-Look Biker Jacket (Size 28) £17.00 - This soft comfortable biker style jacket was a steal when I bought it in the sale for £17.00. It is warm in winter, comfortable to drive in and roomy enough to be cool in the summer and is my go to jacket especially when out and about town. It lifted a simple Tee and black jeans to another level.
Boohoo - Plus Georgina 'Queen' Slogan Tee (Size 24) £8.00 - This simple grey Tee again true to size, good quality and washes very well.
Very - Black Curve High-Waisted Supersoft Jeans (Size 24) £28.00 - The softness of these Jeans and elastine means when getting in and out of the car they do not slide down at the back or separate from your undergarments causing a draft. These high-waisted jeans stay where you put them once you have slipped into them.

ASOS Mustard CURVE T-Shirt with Black Tie Front (Size 24) £14.00 – Spice things up a bit with this Mustard Black Side Tie Front Tee to create another modern-day look.

ASOS - Diary Lace Up Trainers (Size 8.5) £25.00 - These trainers are simply different and comfortable. Long laces which means I can properly lace up and support my post-DVT swollen right foot. The half size is equivalent to a wide fit.

Alternative Brunch/Lunch Outfit - Swap the Leather Look Biker Jacket for this Grey/White Textured Blazer (JDWilliams £45), add a plain white T-Shirt tucked in, accessorise with a delicate piece of jewellery like this Long Silver Chain Pearl Key Pendant (E-Bay £4.99), the silver Quartz watch above, the Small Pointy Cat Eye Sunglasses from ASOS, add a pair of heeled sandals or the Zebra Kitten Heels (as above), a tote or cross body chain bag and your elevated look will be complete.

ACCESSORIES: My most recent obsession is sourcing accessories. I had no idea of how a watch could compliment a look and certainly never looked at a watch as a fashion accessory. I believed a watch obsolete once Apple invented the I-phone with the time on it. Ideas of outfits or different occasions attack my thoughts throughout the day when I am at the office. The idea of transferring items from one handbag to the other is no longer a daunting prospect and the “can I really be bothered” attitude has gone! Many of us may not deem Perfume to be an accessory, but all my research leads me to believe that it will be right at home, in this section. I am currently trying out/experimenting with new fragrances. Free samples are proving invaluable, as I discover which perfumes work with my body and more importantly their longevity. Samples afford me inexpensive route with the luxury of unfettered time, away from the pressurising mantra of a shop assistant to understand/uncover which particular fragrance/notes is the perfect one for me. I have to say Aura Mugler is winning hands down and the only perfume at the time of writing that will convince me to abandon my comfort zone and not purchase yet another bottle of either Lady Million or the timeless Lancôme classic, Poéme'.
CONCLUSION: When I had no option post-DVT but to source low heeled wide fitting shoes I thought elegance for me was over. Then a little research revealed that nothing was further from the truth and I couldn’t wait to start my blog in the hope that what I discovered and posted would in some way help others. One Sunday morning, sipping coffee and watching YouTuber KarenBritChic I realised that all of the basic rules of “how to look chic and expensive without breaking the bank” applied to me. I became motivated to replicate looks according to me, mother, grandmother, plus size, and 56 in two days. As cliché as it may sound, your comments and well wishes give me strength and drive.
If due to the overwhelming feel good factor and intoxicating excitement I have failed to express how enlightened I feel about my journey of reinvention, I ask for your indulgence as I venture into pastures new. In an attempt to make up for my failings I direct you instead to the words of Dr. Maya Angelou: “….It's the fire in my eyes and the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist and the joy in my feet… Now you understand just why my head's not bowed, I don't shout or jump about or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing it ought to make you proud. I say, it's in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, the need of my care. Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally - Phenomenal woman - That's me.” x
#JDWilliams #EBay #StretchStraightLegTrousers #RavelExpandableBandQuartzWatch #WideFitShoes #JunoBowLoafers #CamelSingleBreastedCoat #DVT #AnthologyBlackLaceRollNeckJumper #NudeBlackZebraHeavenlySolesKittenHeelSlingb #JDWilliamsIvoryBlackHeavenlySolesBarShoesWi #ASOSMustardCURVETShirtwithBlackTieFrontS #ASOSDiaryLaceUpTrainersSize852500 #ASOSBlackHoneydewHeeledSandalsSize92200 #SmallPointyCatEyesunglassesASOS #AuraMuglerPerfume